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所谓知识产权是专有权,其实是指根据专利法、商标法、外观设计法和著作权(以及邻接权)法等赋予权利人的法定的排他权利(exclusive right),在侵权判定中,只要被告的行为(侵权事实)落入了法定的专有权利的范围,或者说被告实施了未经权利人授权就应该被法律所禁止的行为,就构成侵权,原则上就应该停止侵权并赔偿损失。所以,当有人问我:被告制作了盗版产品但未销售,是否构成“即发侵权”,是否要赔偿损失?我的回答是:无所谓“即发”,因为被告已经侵犯复制权,应该赔偿。这才是“知识产权是专有权”的本质要求。
那么,如何理解知识产权是专有权? 该款规定的知识产权的客体中,是否全部都享有专有的权利? 本文试对此加以分析。
专有权,在英文表述中,应该是指exclusive right。专利权、注册商标权、著作权等法定的知识产权都拥有禁止他人擅自使用其专利技术、文艺作品、商业标识的权利,这个“使用权”[2]就是具有专有权的性质,任何人只要未经许可进入法定的专有权的范围(其实质是法律规定的权利人可以控制他人实施的行为),就构成了侵权行为(infringement),而无须考虑什么主观过错,也无须考虑什么实际损失。正是因为侵权的构成(甚至损害赔偿责任的承担)无需过错和损失的考量,所以,知识产权才被叫做专有权或排他权(exclusive right)。这个无需考虑主观过错的侵权(infringement)区别于另一个我们也称为侵权的,但需要考虑主观过错以及损害后果的tort。郑成思老师对此有清晰的阐述:[3]
即便是大陆法国家,因为存在物权请求权和债权请求权的区分,侵犯专利权、著作权和注册商标权也会产生类似于英美法 infringement 的法律后果和侵权救济。而我国《民法通则》中特殊的“民事责任”规范将停止侵害与赔偿损失的责任方式相提并论,统称“侵权责任”,导致了司法实践中对知识产权侵权责任的构成要件认识混乱,有时完全忽略了知识产权享有“专有权”保护的意义。正因为如此,我国学者提出了“知识产权请求权”的概念,以解释知识产权侵权中存在的特殊问题[4]。所谓知识产权是专有权或者排他权,主要就是从这个意义上去说的。
总之,所谓知识产权是专有权,其实是指根据专利法、商标法、外观设计法和著作权(以及邻接权)法等赋予权利人的法定的排他权利(exclusive right),在侵权判定中,只要被告的行为(侵权事实)落入了法定的专有权利的范围,或者说被告实施了未经权利人授权就应该被法律所禁止的行为,就构成侵权,原则上就应该停止侵权并赔偿损失。
所以,当有人问我:被告制作了盗版产品但未销售,是否构成“即发侵权”,是否要赔偿损失?我的回答是:无所谓“即发”,因为被告已经侵犯复制权,应该赔偿。国内很多学者对于郑成思老师介绍的“即发侵权”概念或主张进行了望文生义的解读,把“即发侵权”理解为即将发生的侵权行为,或者把即发侵权等同于即将销售或许诺销售行为,或者把临时禁令作为是针对即发侵权的救济措施。其实,郑成思老师是从批评“一切侵权的认定均须以已经造成的实际损害为条件,无损害即无责任”的观点出发来阐述“即发侵权”的理论的【参见《郑成思知识产权文集. 国际公约与外国法卷(一)》第61页】。在他看来,根据即发侵权理论,只要被告实施了“制造”专利侵权产品的行为,就可以构成侵权,而无须考虑这个侵权产品是否已经推向市场,即便尚未侵犯销售权,尚未造成什么实际损失,也已经侵犯了专利权。即便非商标权人在库房里面存放了带有商标权人商标瓶贴的酒瓶,而尚未装上假酒,尚未出售以及造成实际损害,按照商标法的规定(擅自制造商标标识),也是侵权行为——这就是TRIPS协议第50条要求成员国所禁止的“即发侵权”,把侵权产品制止在进入流通渠道之前,而不是之后,把侵害制止在“实际损害”发生之前。 【参见《郑成思知识产权文集. 国际公约与外国法卷(一)》第61-3页】。这才是“知识产权是专有权”的本质要求。
郑成思老师的《侵权责任、损害赔偿责任与知识产权保护》[5] 一文中对此有着细致的分析:
就英国版权法中的“二次侵权(Secondary infringement)”【我翻译为“继发侵权”】为何需要有过错要件,笔者也曾对此做过一些分析:如果说这种行为是属于对专有权的直接侵犯,那么,理论上,无论侵权人是否存在过错,都构成侵权。既然如此,这里为什么需要增加一个“过错”要件呢? 显然,初始侵权行为和继发侵权行为确实不是属于完全同一性质的侵权行为,尤其是对侵权人的主观过错的要求是不同的。这也许正是英国法把“dealing(商业处置)”侵权复制品的行为专门从一般的直接侵权行为(初始侵权)中分离出来,单独规定“继发侵权”的一个非常合理和合乎逻辑之处。[6]可见,即使我们一般都理所当然地认为著作权中的发行权是作者享有的排他权利或专有权利,但其“排他性”似乎打了很大的折扣。再比如,英国版权法中,对于未经著作权人许可擅自许可他人利用其作品的行为的许可人以及被许可人是否构成侵权,也有特殊的侵权判定规则,对于被许可人(比如出版社的侵权责任)的“侵权行为”也要考虑其主观过错,这就是所谓的“授权侵权(Authorisation of Infringement)”[7]
另外,在知识产权权利人的专有权受到限制的情形——特别是在法定许可的情形,权利人虽然仍然享有报酬请求权,但报酬请求权right to remuneration与排他权exclusive right显然已经不可同日而语了。还有,有的权利本身就仅仅限于报酬请求权,而不是专有权,比如著作权中的“追续权”或再销售权。【参见伯尔尼公约Article 14ter,Right to an interest in resales; (1) The author, or after his death the persons or institutions authorized by national legislation, shall, with respect to original works of art and original manuscripts of writers and composers, enjoy the inalienable right to an interest in any sale of the work subsequent to the first transfer by the author of the work.】再比如,根据WPPT的规定,就表演者和录音制作者而言,对其表演和录音的机械表演或广播行为,也仅仅享有报酬请求权,而并非专有权利【Article 15 Right to Remuneration for Broadcasting and Communication to the Public (1) Performers and producers of phonograms shall enjoy the right to a single equitable remuneration for the direct or indirect use of phonograms published for commercial purposes for broadcasting or for any communication to the public.】
还有,基于知识产权作为财产权而具有的排他性,法经济学者(law and economics scholars)把因侵犯知识产权而予以禁令救济(injunctive relief)的规则称为“财产规则(property rule)”,而允许按照法院或者某个机构设定的价格来获取知识产权的规则(比如,强制许可)被称为“责任规则(liability rules)”[8]在知识产权侵权救济中,适用“财产规则”还是适用“责任规则”也越来越受到学界的关注。[9]我国有学者认为:人们通常将知识产权视为一种排他权,并将排他权和禁令保护划等号。其中专利权表现得最为明显。有法院甚至认为,既然专利法规定“专利权人有权排除他人使用、许诺销售、销售有关发明”,那么永久禁令是原告的法定权利,原则上不属于法院根据衡平原则的自由裁量范围。这种观点曲解了排他性的本质,著作权、专利权、商标权并非一种绝对权,权利人享有停止侵害的请求权,而是否颁发停止侵害的禁令,则是法院的自由裁量权。由于财产权与禁令的关系非常密切,以至于法经济学者将禁令救济称为“财产规则”(property rules)。法院在知识产权侵权中也根据“财产规则”广泛采用停止侵害措施。然而,这种类比和借用忽略了知识产权特殊的权利属性,并对权利执行带来不合意的结果。[10]可见,从禁令救济的角度来看,即便说知识产权是专有权或者排他权,也并非那么绝对。这样的观点,其实郑成思老师也早已经从“物权请求权”转化为“债权请求权”或者说从物权之诉和债权之诉相互替换的角度进行过全面的分析【参见《郑成思知识产权文集. 基本理论卷》第274-275页】。
商业秘密虽然已经从依靠“保密协议”的债权保护转化为法定的保护,有了“财产权”或者说“对世权”的特点, [11]
2. 商标:驰名商标。
3. 地理标志
4. 其他客体: 商号/字号
5. 其他客体:知名商品特有名称包装装潢以及禁止其他利用他人无形成果的不正当竞争
从英国法中的禁止仿冒(passing off)与法国法中的侵权损害赔偿责任衍生而来的反不正当竞争,与专利、商标、版权、外观设计等作为“专有权利”的知识产权之间存在着天然的联系。可以说,反不正当竞争法所禁止的两方面行为:Misrepresentation(虚假陈述) & Misappropriation(非法盗用)也是知识产权法所禁止。前者是把自己的东西说成是别人的【俗称:搭便车】,包括:假冒商标、假冒企业名称、假冒名人姓名,假冒作者署名,假冒他人专利(标识),假冒他人作品名称,以及虚假宣传广告和商标反向假冒;后者是把别人的东西当成是自己的【俗称:不劳而获】,包括:窃取他人创意或商业秘密,盗用他人数据信息,盗用他人技术发明,抄袭他人外观设计,剽窃他人作品。盗用行为,多数是暗偷——如抄袭或剽窃 ;有时是明抢——如赤裸裸的翻印盗版和擅自传播。反法的这两个主线——假冒和盗用,前者,更多地走向了商标法;后者,更多地走向了专利法;著作权法和外观设计法,则游离在两者之间。
三、享有专有权利的知识产权客体 以下是有关专有权利的规定:
汇编权:The author shall enjoy the exclusive right of making a collection of his works mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.
翻译权:Authors of literary and artistic works protected by this Convention shall enjoy the exclusive right of making and of authorizing the translation of their works through out the term of protection of their rights in the original works.
复制权:Authors of literary and artistic works protected by this Convention shall have the exclusive right of authorizing the reproduction of these works, in any manner or form.
表演权:Authors of dramatic, dramatico-musical and musical works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the public performance of their works, including such public performance by any means or process.
广播权:Authors of literary and artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the broadcasting of their works or the communication thereof to the public by any other means of wireless diffusion of signs, sounds or images;
改编权:Authors of literary or artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing adaptations, arrangements and other alterations of their works.
摄制权:Authors of literary or artistic works shall have the exclusive right of authorizing the cinematographic adaptation and reproduction of these works, and the distribution of the works thus adapted or reproduced;
发行权:Authors of literary and artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of the original and copies of their works through sale or other transfer of ownership.
出租权:Authors of (i) computer programs; (ii) cinematographic works; and (iii) works embodied in phonograms, as determined in the national law of Contracting Parties, shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing commercial rental to the public of the originals or copies of their works.
向公众传播权(包括信息网络传播权/向公众提供权):Authors of literary and artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing any communication to the public of their works, by wire or wireless means, including the making available to the public of their works in such a way that members of the public may access these works from a place and at a time individually chosen by them。
但是,就著作权人享有的精神权利是否为专有权利,笔者也表示怀疑。《伯尔尼公约》在关于经济权利的表述中使用了“exclusive right”而在关于精神权利的表述中,没有使用“exclusive right”【the author shall have the right to claim authorship of the work and to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of, or other derogatory action in relation to, the said work, which would be prejudicial to his honor or reputation.】,这是为什么呢?笔者以为,与著作权中的经济权利(“exclusive right”)更多体现为排除或禁止他人使用其作品的权利不同,法律赋予作者的精神权利确实不见得是为了实现这个“禁止”功能,比如,法律规定作者享有署名权,很大程度上是为了保护作者“行使”表明自己身份的权利【虽然著作权法第47条第三项也规定“禁止”非作者在他人创作的作品上署名,但这个“禁止他人署名的权利”并不是“要求署名的权利”的反面,这与经济权利作为排他权具有正反两面——比如,复制权意味着“有权(许可)复制”与“有权禁止复制”,是不相同的。从这个意义上说,署名权确实不是专有权或者排他权。】;而法律规定作者享有修改权,目的也在于保障作者可以自由修改自己的作品(至于,有没有必要或者应不应该赋予这个权利,可以另论。)这也许是《伯尔尼公约》在规定“moral right”时没有使用“exclusive right”的一个原因。[12]
虽然我们一般都认为专利权人享有“制造、使用、销售、许诺销售和进口”等数项“专有权利”,但各国专利法文本中,将这些权利表述为专有权利(exclusive right)的比较少见,而更多地将其表述为“禁止权”而不是“许可权”。我国专利法的表述与德国专利法类似(不得/禁止):
德国专利法第九条:Section 9
The patent shall have the effect that the proprietor of the patent alone shall be entitled to use the patented invention within the scope of the law in force. In the absence of the consent of the proprietor of the patent, any third party shall be prohibited from
producing, offering, putting on the market or using a product which is the subject-matter of the patent, or from either importing or possessing such a product for the purposes referred to;
using a process which is the subject-matter of the patent or, if the third party knows or if it is obvious from the circumstances that use of the process is prohibited in the absence of the consent of the proprietor of the patent, from offering the process for use within the territorial scope of this Act;
offering, placing on the market or using a product which is produced directly by a process which is the subject-matter of the patent, or from either importing or possessing such a product for the purposes referred to.
1. 一专利授予其所有权人下列专有权利:
我国外观设计专利权也是用“禁止”他人实施的行为来表述权利人享有的专有权利的。TRIPS协议Article 26也使用了“有权禁止”的表述:1. The owner of a protected industrial design shall have the right to prevent third parties not having the owner’s consent from making, selling or importing articles bearing or embodying a design which is a copy, or substantially a copy, of the protected design, when such acts are undertaken for commercial purposes.
Directive 98/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998 on the legal protection of designs
Official Journal L 289 , 28/10/1998 P. 0028 - 0035
Article 12
Rights conferred by the design right
1.The registration of a design shall confer on its holder the exclusive right to use it and to prevent any third party not having his consent from using it. The aforementioned use shall cover, in particular, the making, offering, putting on the market, importing, exporting or using of a product in which the design is incorporated or to which it is applied, or stocking such a product for those purposes.
第五十七条 有下列行为之一的,均属侵犯注册商标专用权:
第四十八条 本法所称商标的使用,是指将商标用于商品、商品包装或者容器以及商品交易文书上,或者将商标用于广告宣传、展览以及其他商业活动中,用于识别商品来源的行为。
比较而言,德国商标法则明确指出了注册商标的“专有权利”,其逻辑更为清晰:把商标相同或近似的判定【section 14 (2)】与商标专用权的范围【关于商标使用行为的列举,section 14(3)】分为两个层面的规则:
Section 14
Exclusive right of the proprietor of a trade mark
(1) The acquisition of trade mark protection in accordance with section 4 shall grant to the proprietor of the trade mark an exclusive right.
(2) A third party shall be prohibited, without the consent of the proprietor of the trade mark in the course of trade, from
using a sign which is identical to the trade mark for goods or services which are identical to those for which it enjoys protection,…….(双相同)
(3) If the prerequisites of subs. 2 are met, it shall in particular be prohibited
to affix the sign to goods or their wrappings or packaging,(用于商品或包装)
to offer or provide services under the sign,(以该标识提供服务)
to import or export goods under the sign,(商品进出口)
to use the sign in business papers or in advertising.(商业文书或广告)
(4) Third parties shall be furthermore prohibited without the authorisation of the proprietor of the trade mark in the course of trade
to affix a sign that is identical to thetrade mark or a similar sign on wrappings or packaging or on means of identification such as labels, tags, badges or the like,
to offer, put on the market or stock for the listed purposes wrappings, packaging or means of identification which bear a sign that is identical to the trade mark or to a similar sign, or
to import or export wrappings, packaging or means of identification which bear a sign that is identical to the trade mark or to a similar sign
if the danger exists that the wrappings or packaging are used to wrap or package, or that the means of identification are used to identify goods or services with regard to which third parties would be prohibited from using the sign in accordance with subs. 2 and 3.(制作包装或标识)
DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/2436 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2015 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks
Article 10
Rights conferred by a trade mark
The registration of a trade mark shall confer on the proprietor exclusive rights therein.
Without prejudice to the rights of proprietors acquired before the filing date or the priority date of the registered trade mark, the proprietor of that registered trade mark shall be entitled to prevent all third parties not having his consent from using in the course of trade, in relation to goods or services, any sign where:
(a) the sign is identical with the trade mark and is used in relation to goods or services which are identical with those for which the trade mark is registered;……
The following, in particular, may be prohibited under paragraph 2:
(a) affixing the sign to the goods or to the packaging thereof;
(b) offering the goods or putting them on the market, or stocking them for those purposes, under the sign, or offering or supplying services the reunder;
(c) importing or exporting the goods under the sign;
(d) using the sign as a trade or company name or part of a trade or company name;[将注册商标用作商号]
(e) using the sign on business papers and in advertising;
(f) using the sign in comparative advertising in a manner that is contrary to Directive 2006/114/EC.【比较广告中的使用】
对于集成电路布图设计享有的专有权利,TRIPS协议的表述是“下列行为违法”:Article 36 Scope of the Protection
Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 37, Members shall consider unlawful the following acts if performed without the authorization of the right holder: importing, selling, or otherwise distributing for commercial purposes a protected layout-design, an integrated circuit in which a protected layout-design is incorporated, or an article incorporating such an integrated circuit only in so far as it continues to contain an unlawfully reproduced layout-design.
Article 7 [Minimum Protection for Performer]
1.The protection provided for performers by this Convention shall include the possibility of preventing:
(a) the broadcasting and the communication to the public, without their consent, of their performance, except where the performance used in the broadcasting or the public communication is itself already a broadcast performance or is made from a fixation;
(b) the fixation, without their consent, of their unfixed performance;
(c) the reproduction, without their consent, of a fixation of their performance:……..
Article 6 Economic Rights of Performers in their Unfixed Performances
Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing, as regards their performances:
(i) the broadcasting and communication to the public of their unfixed performances except where the performance is already a broadcast performance; and
(ii) the fixation of their unfixed performances.
Article 7 Right of Reproduction
Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the direct or indirect reproduction of their performances fixed in phonograms, in any manner or form.6
Article 8 Right of Distribution
(1) Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of the original and copies of their performances fixed in phonograms through sale or other transfer of ownership.
Article 9 Right of Rental
(1) Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the commercial rental to the public of the original and copies of their performances fixed in phonograms as determined in the national law of Contracting Parties, even after distribution of them by, or pursuant to, authorization by the performer.
Article 10 Right of Making Available of Fixed Performances
Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of their performances fixed in phonograms, by wire or wireless means, in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.
Article 10 [Right of Reproduction for Phonogram Producers]
Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the right to authorize or prohibit the direct or indirect reproduction of their phonograms.
Article 11 Right of Reproduction
Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the direct or indirect reproduction of their phonograms, in any manner or form.9
Article 12 Right of Distribution
(1) Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of the original and copies of their phonograms through sale or other transfer of ownership.
Article 14 Right of Making Available of Phonograms
Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of their phonograms, by wire or wireless means, in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.
Article 13 [Minimum Rights for Broadcasting Organizations]
Broadcasting organisations shall enjoy the right to authorize or prohibit:
(a) the rebroadcasting of their broadcasts;
(b) the fixation of their broadcasts;
(c) the reproduction: (i) of fixations, made without their consent, of their broadcasts; (ii) of fixations, made in accordance with the provisions of Article 15, of their broadcasts, if the reproduction is made for purposes different from those referred to in those provisions;
(d) the communication to the public of their television broadcasts if such communication is made in places accessible to the public against payment of an entrance fee; it shall be a matter for the domestic law of the State where protection of this right is claimed to determine the conditions under which it may be exercised.
[4] 王太平:浅论知识产权请求权,1998年,http://article.chinalawinfo.com/ArticleHtml/Article_34035.shtml。胡志强:中德知识产权请求权制度比较,《科技与法律》2000年第03期。蒋志培: 我国立法和司法确认的知识产权请求权,《中国律师》2001年第10期。陈锦川:试论我国知识产权请求权的初步确立,《人民司法》2002年第10期。徐卓斌:知识产权请求权与损害赔偿请求权的区分,2013-02-21,来源:人民法院报,http://fayuan.xinmin.cn/mtjj/2013/02/21/18750960.html。但也有学者对“知识产权请求权”提出质疑,参见:梁志文:反思知识产权请求权理论——知识产权要挟策略与知识产权请求权的限制,《清华法学》2008年第04期;李扬; 知识产权请求权的限制,《法商研究》2010年第04期。
[6] 张伟君:英国版权法为什么要区分Primary Infringement 和Secondary Infringement,http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4da63f410101jk50.html?vt=4。
[7] 张伟君:英国版权法中的第三方侵权责任:授权侵权(Authorisation of Infringement)及其它,http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4da63f410101jlu7.html?vt=4。
[8] Mark Lemley& Phil Weiser: Should Property or Liability Rules Govern Information? Texas Law Review Volume 85, Number 4, March 2007 : http://ssrn.com/abstract=977778。
[9] When a patent has been infringed, the court can impose a forward-looking remedy based on a property rule or based on a liability rule. Under the property rule, the court issues an injunction ordering the infringing party to stop infringing. Under the liability rule, the court allows the infringing party to continue to infringe the patent in question so long as it pays specified ongoing royalties to the patent holder. 参见:Carl Shapiro:Property Rules vs. Liability Rules for Patent Infringement,10 January 2017,http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/shapiro/propvsliab.pdf,
[10] 陈武:权利不确定性与知识产权停止侵害请求权之限制,《中外法学》2011年第2期。另有学者指出:
那么,如何理解知识产权是专有权? 该款规定的知识产权的客体中,是否全部都享有专有的权利? 本文试对此加以分析。
专有权,在英文表述中,应该是指exclusive right。专利权、注册商标权、著作权等法定的知识产权都拥有禁止他人擅自使用其专利技术、文艺作品、商业标识的权利,这个“使用权”[2]就是具有专有权的性质,任何人只要未经许可进入法定的专有权的范围(其实质是法律规定的权利人可以控制他人实施的行为),就构成了侵权行为(infringement),而无须考虑什么主观过错,也无须考虑什么实际损失。正是因为侵权的构成(甚至损害赔偿责任的承担)无需过错和损失的考量,所以,知识产权才被叫做专有权或排他权(exclusive right)。这个无需考虑主观过错的侵权(infringement)区别于另一个我们也称为侵权的,但需要考虑主观过错以及损害后果的tort。郑成思老师对此有清晰的阐述:[3]
即便是大陆法国家,因为存在物权请求权和债权请求权的区分,侵犯专利权、著作权和注册商标权也会产生类似于英美法 infringement 的法律后果和侵权救济。而我国《民法通则》中特殊的“民事责任”规范将停止侵害与赔偿损失的责任方式相提并论,统称“侵权责任”,导致了司法实践中对知识产权侵权责任的构成要件认识混乱,有时完全忽略了知识产权享有“专有权”保护的意义。正因为如此,我国学者提出了“知识产权请求权”的概念,以解释知识产权侵权中存在的特殊问题[4]。所谓知识产权是专有权或者排他权,主要就是从这个意义上去说的。
总之,所谓知识产权是专有权,其实是指根据专利法、商标法、外观设计法和著作权(以及邻接权)法等赋予权利人的法定的排他权利(exclusive right),在侵权判定中,只要被告的行为(侵权事实)落入了法定的专有权利的范围,或者说被告实施了未经权利人授权就应该被法律所禁止的行为,就构成侵权,原则上就应该停止侵权并赔偿损失。
所以,当有人问我:被告制作了盗版产品但未销售,是否构成“即发侵权”,是否要赔偿损失?我的回答是:无所谓“即发”,因为被告已经侵犯复制权,应该赔偿。国内很多学者对于郑成思老师介绍的“即发侵权”概念或主张进行了望文生义的解读,把“即发侵权”理解为即将发生的侵权行为,或者把即发侵权等同于即将销售或许诺销售行为,或者把临时禁令作为是针对即发侵权的救济措施。其实,郑成思老师是从批评“一切侵权的认定均须以已经造成的实际损害为条件,无损害即无责任”的观点出发来阐述“即发侵权”的理论的【参见《郑成思知识产权文集. 国际公约与外国法卷(一)》第61页】。在他看来,根据即发侵权理论,只要被告实施了“制造”专利侵权产品的行为,就可以构成侵权,而无须考虑这个侵权产品是否已经推向市场,即便尚未侵犯销售权,尚未造成什么实际损失,也已经侵犯了专利权。即便非商标权人在库房里面存放了带有商标权人商标瓶贴的酒瓶,而尚未装上假酒,尚未出售以及造成实际损害,按照商标法的规定(擅自制造商标标识),也是侵权行为——这就是TRIPS协议第50条要求成员国所禁止的“即发侵权”,把侵权产品制止在进入流通渠道之前,而不是之后,把侵害制止在“实际损害”发生之前。 【参见《郑成思知识产权文集. 国际公约与外国法卷(一)》第61-3页】。这才是“知识产权是专有权”的本质要求。
郑成思老师的《侵权责任、损害赔偿责任与知识产权保护》[5] 一文中对此有着细致的分析:
就英国版权法中的“二次侵权(Secondary infringement)”【我翻译为“继发侵权”】为何需要有过错要件,笔者也曾对此做过一些分析:如果说这种行为是属于对专有权的直接侵犯,那么,理论上,无论侵权人是否存在过错,都构成侵权。既然如此,这里为什么需要增加一个“过错”要件呢? 显然,初始侵权行为和继发侵权行为确实不是属于完全同一性质的侵权行为,尤其是对侵权人的主观过错的要求是不同的。这也许正是英国法把“dealing(商业处置)”侵权复制品的行为专门从一般的直接侵权行为(初始侵权)中分离出来,单独规定“继发侵权”的一个非常合理和合乎逻辑之处。[6]可见,即使我们一般都理所当然地认为著作权中的发行权是作者享有的排他权利或专有权利,但其“排他性”似乎打了很大的折扣。再比如,英国版权法中,对于未经著作权人许可擅自许可他人利用其作品的行为的许可人以及被许可人是否构成侵权,也有特殊的侵权判定规则,对于被许可人(比如出版社的侵权责任)的“侵权行为”也要考虑其主观过错,这就是所谓的“授权侵权(Authorisation of Infringement)”[7]
另外,在知识产权权利人的专有权受到限制的情形——特别是在法定许可的情形,权利人虽然仍然享有报酬请求权,但报酬请求权right to remuneration与排他权exclusive right显然已经不可同日而语了。还有,有的权利本身就仅仅限于报酬请求权,而不是专有权,比如著作权中的“追续权”或再销售权。【参见伯尔尼公约Article 14ter,Right to an interest in resales; (1) The author, or after his death the persons or institutions authorized by national legislation, shall, with respect to original works of art and original manuscripts of writers and composers, enjoy the inalienable right to an interest in any sale of the work subsequent to the first transfer by the author of the work.】再比如,根据WPPT的规定,就表演者和录音制作者而言,对其表演和录音的机械表演或广播行为,也仅仅享有报酬请求权,而并非专有权利【Article 15 Right to Remuneration for Broadcasting and Communication to the Public (1) Performers and producers of phonograms shall enjoy the right to a single equitable remuneration for the direct or indirect use of phonograms published for commercial purposes for broadcasting or for any communication to the public.】
还有,基于知识产权作为财产权而具有的排他性,法经济学者(law and economics scholars)把因侵犯知识产权而予以禁令救济(injunctive relief)的规则称为“财产规则(property rule)”,而允许按照法院或者某个机构设定的价格来获取知识产权的规则(比如,强制许可)被称为“责任规则(liability rules)”[8]在知识产权侵权救济中,适用“财产规则”还是适用“责任规则”也越来越受到学界的关注。[9]我国有学者认为:人们通常将知识产权视为一种排他权,并将排他权和禁令保护划等号。其中专利权表现得最为明显。有法院甚至认为,既然专利法规定“专利权人有权排除他人使用、许诺销售、销售有关发明”,那么永久禁令是原告的法定权利,原则上不属于法院根据衡平原则的自由裁量范围。这种观点曲解了排他性的本质,著作权、专利权、商标权并非一种绝对权,权利人享有停止侵害的请求权,而是否颁发停止侵害的禁令,则是法院的自由裁量权。由于财产权与禁令的关系非常密切,以至于法经济学者将禁令救济称为“财产规则”(property rules)。法院在知识产权侵权中也根据“财产规则”广泛采用停止侵害措施。然而,这种类比和借用忽略了知识产权特殊的权利属性,并对权利执行带来不合意的结果。[10]可见,从禁令救济的角度来看,即便说知识产权是专有权或者排他权,也并非那么绝对。这样的观点,其实郑成思老师也早已经从“物权请求权”转化为“债权请求权”或者说从物权之诉和债权之诉相互替换的角度进行过全面的分析【参见《郑成思知识产权文集. 基本理论卷》第274-275页】。
商业秘密虽然已经从依靠“保密协议”的债权保护转化为法定的保护,有了“财产权”或者说“对世权”的特点, [11]
2. 商标:驰名商标。
3. 地理标志
4. 其他客体: 商号/字号
5. 其他客体:知名商品特有名称包装装潢以及禁止其他利用他人无形成果的不正当竞争
从英国法中的禁止仿冒(passing off)与法国法中的侵权损害赔偿责任衍生而来的反不正当竞争,与专利、商标、版权、外观设计等作为“专有权利”的知识产权之间存在着天然的联系。可以说,反不正当竞争法所禁止的两方面行为:Misrepresentation(虚假陈述) & Misappropriation(非法盗用)也是知识产权法所禁止。前者是把自己的东西说成是别人的【俗称:搭便车】,包括:假冒商标、假冒企业名称、假冒名人姓名,假冒作者署名,假冒他人专利(标识),假冒他人作品名称,以及虚假宣传广告和商标反向假冒;后者是把别人的东西当成是自己的【俗称:不劳而获】,包括:窃取他人创意或商业秘密,盗用他人数据信息,盗用他人技术发明,抄袭他人外观设计,剽窃他人作品。盗用行为,多数是暗偷——如抄袭或剽窃 ;有时是明抢——如赤裸裸的翻印盗版和擅自传播。反法的这两个主线——假冒和盗用,前者,更多地走向了商标法;后者,更多地走向了专利法;著作权法和外观设计法,则游离在两者之间。
三、享有专有权利的知识产权客体 以下是有关专有权利的规定:
汇编权:The author shall enjoy the exclusive right of making a collection of his works mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.
翻译权:Authors of literary and artistic works protected by this Convention shall enjoy the exclusive right of making and of authorizing the translation of their works through out the term of protection of their rights in the original works.
复制权:Authors of literary and artistic works protected by this Convention shall have the exclusive right of authorizing the reproduction of these works, in any manner or form.
表演权:Authors of dramatic, dramatico-musical and musical works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the public performance of their works, including such public performance by any means or process.
广播权:Authors of literary and artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the broadcasting of their works or the communication thereof to the public by any other means of wireless diffusion of signs, sounds or images;
改编权:Authors of literary or artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing adaptations, arrangements and other alterations of their works.
摄制权:Authors of literary or artistic works shall have the exclusive right of authorizing the cinematographic adaptation and reproduction of these works, and the distribution of the works thus adapted or reproduced;
发行权:Authors of literary and artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of the original and copies of their works through sale or other transfer of ownership.
出租权:Authors of (i) computer programs; (ii) cinematographic works; and (iii) works embodied in phonograms, as determined in the national law of Contracting Parties, shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing commercial rental to the public of the originals or copies of their works.
向公众传播权(包括信息网络传播权/向公众提供权):Authors of literary and artistic works shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing any communication to the public of their works, by wire or wireless means, including the making available to the public of their works in such a way that members of the public may access these works from a place and at a time individually chosen by them。
但是,就著作权人享有的精神权利是否为专有权利,笔者也表示怀疑。《伯尔尼公约》在关于经济权利的表述中使用了“exclusive right”而在关于精神权利的表述中,没有使用“exclusive right”【the author shall have the right to claim authorship of the work and to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of, or other derogatory action in relation to, the said work, which would be prejudicial to his honor or reputation.】,这是为什么呢?笔者以为,与著作权中的经济权利(“exclusive right”)更多体现为排除或禁止他人使用其作品的权利不同,法律赋予作者的精神权利确实不见得是为了实现这个“禁止”功能,比如,法律规定作者享有署名权,很大程度上是为了保护作者“行使”表明自己身份的权利【虽然著作权法第47条第三项也规定“禁止”非作者在他人创作的作品上署名,但这个“禁止他人署名的权利”并不是“要求署名的权利”的反面,这与经济权利作为排他权具有正反两面——比如,复制权意味着“有权(许可)复制”与“有权禁止复制”,是不相同的。从这个意义上说,署名权确实不是专有权或者排他权。】;而法律规定作者享有修改权,目的也在于保障作者可以自由修改自己的作品(至于,有没有必要或者应不应该赋予这个权利,可以另论。)这也许是《伯尔尼公约》在规定“moral right”时没有使用“exclusive right”的一个原因。[12]
虽然我们一般都认为专利权人享有“制造、使用、销售、许诺销售和进口”等数项“专有权利”,但各国专利法文本中,将这些权利表述为专有权利(exclusive right)的比较少见,而更多地将其表述为“禁止权”而不是“许可权”。我国专利法的表述与德国专利法类似(不得/禁止):
德国专利法第九条:Section 9
The patent shall have the effect that the proprietor of the patent alone shall be entitled to use the patented invention within the scope of the law in force. In the absence of the consent of the proprietor of the patent, any third party shall be prohibited from
producing, offering, putting on the market or using a product which is the subject-matter of the patent, or from either importing or possessing such a product for the purposes referred to;
using a process which is the subject-matter of the patent or, if the third party knows or if it is obvious from the circumstances that use of the process is prohibited in the absence of the consent of the proprietor of the patent, from offering the process for use within the territorial scope of this Act;
offering, placing on the market or using a product which is produced directly by a process which is the subject-matter of the patent, or from either importing or possessing such a product for the purposes referred to.
1. 一专利授予其所有权人下列专有权利:
我国外观设计专利权也是用“禁止”他人实施的行为来表述权利人享有的专有权利的。TRIPS协议Article 26也使用了“有权禁止”的表述:1. The owner of a protected industrial design shall have the right to prevent third parties not having the owner’s consent from making, selling or importing articles bearing or embodying a design which is a copy, or substantially a copy, of the protected design, when such acts are undertaken for commercial purposes.
Directive 98/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998 on the legal protection of designs
Official Journal L 289 , 28/10/1998 P. 0028 - 0035
Article 12
Rights conferred by the design right
1.The registration of a design shall confer on its holder the exclusive right to use it and to prevent any third party not having his consent from using it. The aforementioned use shall cover, in particular, the making, offering, putting on the market, importing, exporting or using of a product in which the design is incorporated or to which it is applied, or stocking such a product for those purposes.
第五十七条 有下列行为之一的,均属侵犯注册商标专用权:
第四十八条 本法所称商标的使用,是指将商标用于商品、商品包装或者容器以及商品交易文书上,或者将商标用于广告宣传、展览以及其他商业活动中,用于识别商品来源的行为。
比较而言,德国商标法则明确指出了注册商标的“专有权利”,其逻辑更为清晰:把商标相同或近似的判定【section 14 (2)】与商标专用权的范围【关于商标使用行为的列举,section 14(3)】分为两个层面的规则:
Section 14
Exclusive right of the proprietor of a trade mark
(1) The acquisition of trade mark protection in accordance with section 4 shall grant to the proprietor of the trade mark an exclusive right.
(2) A third party shall be prohibited, without the consent of the proprietor of the trade mark in the course of trade, from
using a sign which is identical to the trade mark for goods or services which are identical to those for which it enjoys protection,…….(双相同)
(3) If the prerequisites of subs. 2 are met, it shall in particular be prohibited
to affix the sign to goods or their wrappings or packaging,(用于商品或包装)
to offer or provide services under the sign,(以该标识提供服务)
to import or export goods under the sign,(商品进出口)
to use the sign in business papers or in advertising.(商业文书或广告)
(4) Third parties shall be furthermore prohibited without the authorisation of the proprietor of the trade mark in the course of trade
to affix a sign that is identical to thetrade mark or a similar sign on wrappings or packaging or on means of identification such as labels, tags, badges or the like,
to offer, put on the market or stock for the listed purposes wrappings, packaging or means of identification which bear a sign that is identical to the trade mark or to a similar sign, or
to import or export wrappings, packaging or means of identification which bear a sign that is identical to the trade mark or to a similar sign
if the danger exists that the wrappings or packaging are used to wrap or package, or that the means of identification are used to identify goods or services with regard to which third parties would be prohibited from using the sign in accordance with subs. 2 and 3.(制作包装或标识)
DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/2436 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2015 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks
Article 10
Rights conferred by a trade mark
The registration of a trade mark shall confer on the proprietor exclusive rights therein.
Without prejudice to the rights of proprietors acquired before the filing date or the priority date of the registered trade mark, the proprietor of that registered trade mark shall be entitled to prevent all third parties not having his consent from using in the course of trade, in relation to goods or services, any sign where:
(a) the sign is identical with the trade mark and is used in relation to goods or services which are identical with those for which the trade mark is registered;……
The following, in particular, may be prohibited under paragraph 2:
(a) affixing the sign to the goods or to the packaging thereof;
(b) offering the goods or putting them on the market, or stocking them for those purposes, under the sign, or offering or supplying services the reunder;
(c) importing or exporting the goods under the sign;
(d) using the sign as a trade or company name or part of a trade or company name;[将注册商标用作商号]
(e) using the sign on business papers and in advertising;
(f) using the sign in comparative advertising in a manner that is contrary to Directive 2006/114/EC.【比较广告中的使用】
对于集成电路布图设计享有的专有权利,TRIPS协议的表述是“下列行为违法”:Article 36 Scope of the Protection
Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 37, Members shall consider unlawful the following acts if performed without the authorization of the right holder: importing, selling, or otherwise distributing for commercial purposes a protected layout-design, an integrated circuit in which a protected layout-design is incorporated, or an article incorporating such an integrated circuit only in so far as it continues to contain an unlawfully reproduced layout-design.
Article 7 [Minimum Protection for Performer]
1.The protection provided for performers by this Convention shall include the possibility of preventing:
(a) the broadcasting and the communication to the public, without their consent, of their performance, except where the performance used in the broadcasting or the public communication is itself already a broadcast performance or is made from a fixation;
(b) the fixation, without their consent, of their unfixed performance;
(c) the reproduction, without their consent, of a fixation of their performance:……..
Article 6 Economic Rights of Performers in their Unfixed Performances
Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing, as regards their performances:
(i) the broadcasting and communication to the public of their unfixed performances except where the performance is already a broadcast performance; and
(ii) the fixation of their unfixed performances.
Article 7 Right of Reproduction
Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the direct or indirect reproduction of their performances fixed in phonograms, in any manner or form.6
Article 8 Right of Distribution
(1) Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of the original and copies of their performances fixed in phonograms through sale or other transfer of ownership.
Article 9 Right of Rental
(1) Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the commercial rental to the public of the original and copies of their performances fixed in phonograms as determined in the national law of Contracting Parties, even after distribution of them by, or pursuant to, authorization by the performer.
Article 10 Right of Making Available of Fixed Performances
Performers shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of their performances fixed in phonograms, by wire or wireless means, in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.
Article 10 [Right of Reproduction for Phonogram Producers]
Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the right to authorize or prohibit the direct or indirect reproduction of their phonograms.
Article 11 Right of Reproduction
Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the direct or indirect reproduction of their phonograms, in any manner or form.9
Article 12 Right of Distribution
(1) Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of the original and copies of their phonograms through sale or other transfer of ownership.
Article 14 Right of Making Available of Phonograms
Producers of phonograms shall enjoy the exclusive right of authorizing the making available to the public of their phonograms, by wire or wireless means, in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.
Article 13 [Minimum Rights for Broadcasting Organizations]
Broadcasting organisations shall enjoy the right to authorize or prohibit:
(a) the rebroadcasting of their broadcasts;
(b) the fixation of their broadcasts;
(c) the reproduction: (i) of fixations, made without their consent, of their broadcasts; (ii) of fixations, made in accordance with the provisions of Article 15, of their broadcasts, if the reproduction is made for purposes different from those referred to in those provisions;
(d) the communication to the public of their television broadcasts if such communication is made in places accessible to the public against payment of an entrance fee; it shall be a matter for the domestic law of the State where protection of this right is claimed to determine the conditions under which it may be exercised.
[4] 王太平:浅论知识产权请求权,1998年,http://article.chinalawinfo.com/ArticleHtml/Article_34035.shtml。胡志强:中德知识产权请求权制度比较,《科技与法律》2000年第03期。蒋志培: 我国立法和司法确认的知识产权请求权,《中国律师》2001年第10期。陈锦川:试论我国知识产权请求权的初步确立,《人民司法》2002年第10期。徐卓斌:知识产权请求权与损害赔偿请求权的区分,2013-02-21,来源:人民法院报,http://fayuan.xinmin.cn/mtjj/2013/02/21/18750960.html。但也有学者对“知识产权请求权”提出质疑,参见:梁志文:反思知识产权请求权理论——知识产权要挟策略与知识产权请求权的限制,《清华法学》2008年第04期;李扬; 知识产权请求权的限制,《法商研究》2010年第04期。
[6] 张伟君:英国版权法为什么要区分Primary Infringement 和Secondary Infringement,http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4da63f410101jk50.html?vt=4。
[7] 张伟君:英国版权法中的第三方侵权责任:授权侵权(Authorisation of Infringement)及其它,http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4da63f410101jlu7.html?vt=4。
[8] Mark Lemley& Phil Weiser: Should Property or Liability Rules Govern Information? Texas Law Review Volume 85, Number 4, March 2007 : http://ssrn.com/abstract=977778。
[9] When a patent has been infringed, the court can impose a forward-looking remedy based on a property rule or based on a liability rule. Under the property rule, the court issues an injunction ordering the infringing party to stop infringing. Under the liability rule, the court allows the infringing party to continue to infringe the patent in question so long as it pays specified ongoing royalties to the patent holder. 参见:Carl Shapiro:Property Rules vs. Liability Rules for Patent Infringement,10 January 2017,http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/shapiro/propvsliab.pdf,
[10] 陈武:权利不确定性与知识产权停止侵害请求权之限制,《中外法学》2011年第2期。另有学者指出: