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发布时间:2016-05-23 来源:Global IP Update 作者:Global君
标签: 印度 专利法
字号: +-
  印度上周发布了第一个统一的国家知识产权策略,而在5月14日,印度知识产权局又正式发布了专利法细则的修改版本「The Patent (Amendment) Rules, 2016 (Revised Rules)」,该修改后的专利法于5月16日正式生效,以下是要点归纳。


  At the time of filing a national phase application (in India) corresponding to an international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the applicant may now be allowed to delete claims.



  It is now possible to get a refund of 90% of fees paid for request for examination / expedited examination, if a request for withdrawal of a patent application is made before the issuance of the first examination report.




  Under the Revised Rules, a new applicant category, called 'Startup' has been introduced. A 'Startup' can be a private limited company, a registered partnership firm or a limited liability partnership, which satisfies the criteria prescribed in the Revised Rules.

  Fees applicable to a 'Startup' are the same as those applicable to a natural person.A 'Startup' can also avail of the expedited examination procedure provided under the Revised Rules.

  引入初创公司(startup)的定义,初创公司将享受与自然人一样的费用减免待遇,并能够申请使用加速审查程序(expedited examination procedure)。

  初创公司需要满足的条件(成立时间小于5年,年营业额不超过2.5亿卢比):Essentially, an entity will be eligible as a ‘startup’ has to be less than 5 years old, with an annual turnover less than INR 25 crore in any financial year and must be working towards innovation, development, deployment or commercialization of new products, processes or services driven by technology or intellectual property。

  而初创公司使用加速审查程序(expedited examination procedure)的费用仅需8000卢比(约800人民币)左右。


  This service can be enjoyed only by (a) applicants who have listed India in their international application (in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty) as the competent International Searching Authority or elected as an international Preliminary Examining Authority or by (b) applicants that are startups. The expedited examination service is available only through the electronic route.




  The Revised Rules have made it mandatory for patent agents to file all documents via the e-filing portal. However, documents such as proofs of right, assignments, licenses, powers of authority, priority documents are still required to be submitted in original. Such documents, in original, can be submitted within 15 days of filing scanned copies via the e-filing portal.

  The address for service is required to include a postal address in India and an email address as well. Any written communication from the patent office to the postal address or email address as provided shall be deemed to be properly addressed.



