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EPO patent research grant applications open for 2019

Post Time:2019-04-18 Source:Ippro magazine Author: Views:

The European Patent Office (EPO) is now accepting proposals for patent research grants for 2019.

The funding scheme has been implemented by the EPO over the last two years as part of an effort to “encourage more academic research” concerning the importance of patents in the wider European economy.

The EPO Academic Research Programme is currently offering between €20,000 and €100,000 to individual projects. It expects to delegate €300,000 in total in 2019.

The 2019 programme requires applications to be focused in specific areas of IP management and patent services, including technology transfer, disruptive technologies, regulation and PATSTAT analytics.

Selection criteria provided by the EPO states that the grants will be awarded to several “well-defined projects” with a definitive focus in one of the above thematic interdisciplinary areas.

Originality, innovation, clarity and potential policy implications will also be considered.

The deadline for proposals is 12 June 2019.